Dental Billing

Our variable pricing structure allows for flexibility, ensuring that smaller practices or those with limited resources can access services at a reasonable cost, while also enabling larger practices to invest more in premium services or products commensurate with their scale.

  • 4.95%

  • 3.95%

  • 2.95%

  • 1.95%

Dental Billing Services

  • Sending Claims

  • Posting Payments

  • Appeals

  • Tracking Accounts Receivable

Breakdown of Benefits

  • $300 standard; $400 complete

  • $500 standard; $700 complete

  • $700 standard; $900 complete

  • $4.95 standard; $6.75 complete


  • Frequencies

  • Patient History

  • Maximums/Deductibles

  • Website Printouts


  • Frequencies

  • Patient History

  • Maximums/Deductibles

  • Website Printouts

  • Code Customization & Code Specific

  • 24 Hour Verifications

  • Detailed Dental Form

  • Billing & Coding

  • Claim Submission

  • Denial Management